オランダのブックウィークキャンペーンは、本の登場人物を、そのまま本で表現した素晴らしいキャンペーン。CPNB(CollectivePromotion Dutch Literature)はオランダ文学を奨励する為に、毎年「ドイツブックキャンペーン」を開催しています。また毎年特定の文芸種を主に取り上げます。2011年は、伝記が取り上げられました。‘GeschrevenPortretten’(Written Portraits)は、伝記の人物の顔を本でそのまま表現した。Souvereinによって、AnneFrank, Vincent van Gogh, Louis van Gaal and Kader Abdollahの顔がつくられた。Concept: Markus Ravenhorst, Maarten Reynen/Artwork: Souverein
In S.Korea, about 1140 bears are kept in small and dirty cages for gall bladder extraction to be used in asian medicine. The biggest reason behind maintaining "Bear Farming" is that koreans don't have interests in it. Thus, we made the public realize that how much influence "indifference" has on bears via a large poster treated with transparent adhesive materials.
When it comes to 3D mapping projection - It is still always all about creativity, not the tools. An emotional connection with the brand is essential regardless of the medium.
Mick Haggerty : I think this is from 1980, way BP (before photoshop)... I built my own version in a closet at home. A crude multiple exposure 8x12 backlit set up inspired by the special effect movie cameras I'd seen at Pat O'Neils... I loved it because I could build photo images without paper cut marks and the process of mattes and single exposures was so similar to the printing process...as well as the ability to intensify or change colors, and dare I mention it, to add glows. This image took about 2 weeks and most probably cost me more to make than my fee. It’s what, - a two hour photoshop job?
Without wanting to rehash everything which has already been said the world is clearly in shock at the events which have occurred and are still unfolding in Japan. For most people we can only look on at the vivid pictures being beamed into our homes with a mix of emotions and an overriding feeling of helplessness in the face of mother natures wrath.
Providing much-needed donations to aid in the relief effort is the best thing anyone can do and it’s been interesting to see how designers have reacted to the situation by producing and selling posters to raise funds. Here are a few of my favourites (linked back to their creators):
「さとなお」さんが、すぐに友人の石川淳哉さん(@junyaishikawa)にツイッターで相談し、「すぐ動こう」となり、あっという間に超多忙なデザイナー森本千絵さん(@morimotochie)にアプローチ。快諾をいただいて約1日、こんなデザインのマークが完成した。想いが詰まっていて、温かいいいマークだと思う。松永有子さん(@ebiita)、押井猛さん(@gatyaping2)のご協力も得て出来上がった。サイトはこちら。Play for Japan