もっと簡潔に言うと、僕の先のブログの記事「私がデザインしたもの全ては不必要だった、、」は、翻訳上の誤解があったということです。タイトルはPhilippe Starck: Why design? です。つまり「なぜデザインが必要なの?」くらいの意味でしょうか?約18分間スタルクは一切スライドもムービーも使用しないで、身振り手振りを交え笑いを取り続けしゃべりまくります。こんな芸当を出来るデザイナーを僕は見たことがありません。でも、よく考えると当たり前かもしれません。
なぜならTEDに集まるような人は、ビッグネームのデザイナー、フィリップ・スタルクのデザインしたものは、すでに見ているに違いありません。それをまた見せられる観客は苦痛に違いありません。彼はそれを理解しているのでしょう。今度スタルクさんに出会ったら「Why no slide」と聞いてみたいと思います。
英文の説明を添付します。Designer Philippe Starck -- with no pretty slides to show -- spends 18 minutes reaching for the very roots of the question "Why design?" Listen carefully for one perfect mantra for all of us, genius or not.
僕のような英語じゃ何もわからないでしょう。いいのです。素晴しい人達の後で休憩できるのですから。なんというか、僕がここにいるなんてちょっと場違いですよね。だって僕の仕事なんか人生に何の役にも立ちませんからね。自分自身が役立たずな気がしますよ。ましてキャロリン・ポルコ氏や他の講演者の後ですから、僕なんかまるで“ダメ”。全くもってなぜ僕がココにいるのか分かりません。まるで替え玉としてオペラ座に来た途端無理矢理「歌え!」と言われるような悪夢を見てるような感じでしょうか。 よくわかりませんけど。
そういうわけで お見せするものも言うべきこともないので、なにか他の事でも話してみましょう。よろしければ手始めに、面白くもなんともないんですが…、僕の仕事の進め方でもお話しましょう。あなたは何で知られた人か、と聞かれたら、レモン絞り器や便器用ブラシ、爪楊枝、美しい便座に、それに歯ブラシですかね。僕は歯ブラシをデザインしようとはしません。「おお、きっとキレイなモノになる」なんてつもりもないのです。そんな事に興味ありませんから。
デザインにも色々種類があります。一つは 僕らが「ひねくれデザイン」と呼ぶもの、 1950年代にレイモンド・ローウィ氏が提唱したものがあります。彼は「醜いと売れない (la laideur se vendmal)」と言いました。ひどい話です。デザインはマーケティングの武器に徹するべき、商品をもっとセクシーにして売り上げを伸ばすためのもの、というわけです。ひどい、時代遅れ、バカバカしいので僕は「ひねくれデザイン」と呼びます。
その後に出てきたのが「自己陶酔デザイン」。偉大なデザイナーによる他の偉大なデザイナーのためのデザインです。その後、僕のような人達が出てきた。役に立たない仕事を恥じつつも、別のやり方を模索して、存在価値を見出そうとがんばるわけです。モノのためのモノ作りではなく、その結果のためのモノ作り。人類の利益のため、それを使う人のために。歯ブラシを手にしても歯ブラシの事なんて考えませんよね。僕なら「どれだけよく磨けるだろう?」と考えます。口の中での歯ブラシの働きを理解するのに必ずこう思い浮かべます。「この口は誰の口だろう?その人の人生はどんなだろう?どんな社会に生きてるんだろう?どんな文明がその社会を作ったんだろう?どんな生命体がその文明を作ったんだろう?」そこまでいくと、頭が良くないので1分くらいかかるんですが、生命体レベルまでいくと がぜん面白くなるのですよ。
僕なんかが何かを変える力なんて全くないですよ。ただ立ち戻れば、実は変えない方がいいかわかります。今日変えない方が変えるよりいいんです。生き物としての自分の位置づけまで考えてみると見るべきものに気がつきます。大きな挑戦があるのです。それは僕らの目の前の挑戦です。というのも、人類の生み出すもので 僕の言う「全体像」の外側に存在するものなんてないのです。「全体像」とは僕らの物語、詩やロマンです。僕らの詩とは僕らのうつりかわりであり生命です。思い出してください。10歳になる息子の本にもあるように生命はおよそ40億年前に誕生しました え?42億年前?(観客席)45億!
人類の進化とは、アフリカで生まれた人類の祖先であるアウストラロピテクスから、原人と呼ばれるピテカントプロスエレクトウスやシナントロプスペキネンシスと進化し、ネアンデルタール人に至り、そしてもっとも今の人類に近いクロマニヨン人となって進化してきたと教わってきた。先カンブリア時代(46億~5億4200万年前)46億年前 - 地球誕生。太陽系の隕石や月の岩石の生成年代から、この頃、原始地球が形成されたと考えられている。
45億年前ですか。勘弁して下さいね、僕はただのデザイナーですから。クリスマスプレゼント専門のね。もともと「原始のスープ」といわれるものがありました。この最初のスープは ボコボコと なんていうか汚い泥のようなもので 生命も何もありません。するとピカっと雷が落ち、ピカッ!…さあ来た…ビカッ!…命ができて…ボコボコ!…亡くなりました。そして数百万年後…再びビカビカ!ボコボコ!…おーい起きろ!ついにうまくいって生命の誕生です。僕らはとても知能の低い微生物でした 僕ら生殖法さえ真似てますよね。言いたいことわかります? それと…いや何でもないです。
ここで一つ。天才でないといけないことはないですが、皆参加しなければなりません。変異体の皆さん 参加の際には最低限の訓練があります。スポーツとも言えます。まず始めにですね、とても簡単な、視覚の訓練があります。説明しますよ。こんな風に歩くと、まあ歩けます。でも目を伏せているので視界が悪い。おっと穴がある。落ちちゃいます。死んじゃいます。いたって危険です。なので、おそらくこれ位の視野の角度を試してみましょう。よし見えます。何か見つけたら、おっとそのまま、目線を上げましたが、まだとても自分勝手でジコチューです。でも生き残れはします。まぁ大丈夫。
そして目線を もう少しだけ上げると「おや ここにいましたかご機嫌いかが?お助けしましょう。新しい歯ブラシをデザインしますよ。新しい便器用タワシはいかが?」。社会の、暮らし中でコミュニティと共に生きていると言えます。そう、知性の領域に足を踏み入れました。この時点から 目線を上げれば上げるほど、あなたは社会にとってより重要になります。見上げれば見上げるほど、文明により重要な形になります。見上げれば見上げるほど、遠く高いところが見える。あなたは変わりゆく生命体の物語の中でより重要になります。つまり、知的な人々はこの地点にいるのです。ここが知的領域なのです。ここからはプトレマイオス、エラトステネス、アインシュタインなど、天才の目線です。天才でなければならないことはありません。義務ではないのです。
だから今、この仕事が恥ずかしいのです。だからこそ僕はここで最善を尽くします。でも最善を尽くしたところで、「だから僕って最高!」ということをやっても何にもなりません。だって時期が違いますから。よいモノだって光の時期でないと輝かない。美しい夢や文明の時期でなければ意味がないのです。それに僕らは物語の完結に向けて頑張らないといけません。この文明のシナリオは愛や進歩などについてです。それはそれでいいのでが、違う文明の違うシナリオもあり得るでしょう。僕らの文明のシナリオは、力を得て知能を高める事です。例えば僕らの生み出した神という概念がそうでしょう。今や僕らが神です。そう、もうシナリオの完結は間近です。あとは仕上げるだけです とてもとても重要なところです。何が実際に起きているのかわかってないと、そこに行き、戦ったり働いたり創ったりすることはできません。こんなふうに、後ろ向きに未来へ進むと、おっと危ない、落ちちゃいます。すごく危ない。だから絶対にわかっていなければいけないのです。
“You will understand nothing with my type of English. Is good for you because you can have a break, after all these fantastic people. I must tell you I am like that [shakes hands], not very comfortable, because usually, in life, I think my job is absolutely useless. I mean, I feel useless. Now, after Carolyn [Porco], and all the other guys, I feel like shit. And definitively, I don't know why I am here, but -- you know the nightmare, like you are an impostor, you arrive at the opera, and they push you, "You must sing!" [gasp!] I don't know.
So! So! Because I have nothing to show, nothing to say, we shall try to speak about something else.
We can start, if you want, by understanding (it's just to start, it's not interesting) how I work. When somebody comes to me and ask for what I am known, I mean, yes, lemon squeezer, toilet brush, toothpick, beautiful toilet seats, and why not, a toothbrush. I don't try to design the toothbrush. I don't try to say, oh, that will be a beautiful object or something like that. That doesn't interest me.
Because there is different types of design. The one, we can call it the cynical design, that means the design invented by Raymond Loewy in the '50s, who said, what is ugly is a bad sale, La Laideur se vend mal, which is terrible. It means the design must be just a weapon for marketing, for producer to make product more sexy, like that, they sell more, it's shit, it's obsolete, it's ridiculous. I call that the cynical design.
After, there is the narcissistic design; it's a fantastic designer who designs only for other fantastic designers. [laughs]
After there is people like me, who try to deserve to exist, and who are ashamed to make this useless job, who try to do it in another way, and they try, I try, to not make the object for the object but for the result, for the profit for the human being, the person who will use it. If we take the toothbrush -- I don't think about the toothbrush. I think, "What will be [finger in mouth] the effect of the brush in the mouth?" And to understand what will be the effect of the toothbrush in the mouth, I must imagine: Who owns this mouth? What is the life of the owner of this mouth? In what society this guy live? What civilization creates this society? What animal species creates this civilization? When I arrive --- and I take one minute, I am not so intelligent -- when I arrive at the level of animal species, that becomes real interesting.
Me, I have no power to change anything. But when I come back, I can understand why I shall not do it, because today, it's more positive than "do it," or how I shall do it. But to come back, where I am at the animal species, there is things to see. There is things to see, there is the big challenge. The big challenge in front of us.
Because there is not a human production that exists outside of what I call the "big image." The big image is our story, our poetry, our romanticism. Our poetry is our mutation, our life. We must remember, and we can see that in any book of my son of 10 years old, that life appears 4 billion years ago, around -- 4 billion point 2? [voice off] Yes, point 5, OK, OK! I'm a designer, that's all, of Christmas gifts.
And before, there was this soup, called soupe primordiale, this first soup [bloop bloop bloop!], sort of dirty mud, no life, nothing. So then [pshoo-shoo] lightning [pshoo] arrive [pshoo-shoo], makes life [bloop bloop], and that dies. Some million years after, [pshoo-shoo!] [bloop-bloop] wake up! At the end, finally, that succeeds, and life appears. We was so, so stupid. The most stupid bacteria. Even, I think, we copy our way to reproduce, you know what I mean, and something of -- oh no, forget it.
After, we become a fish; after, we become a frog; after, we become a monkey; after, we become what we are today, a supermonkey, and the fin is, the supermonkey we are today, is at alph of the story. Can you imagine? From that stupid bacteria to us, with a microphone, with a computer, with an iPod, 4 billion years. And we know, and especially Carolyn knows, that when the sun will implode, the earth will burn, explode, I don't know what, and this is scheduled for 4, 4 billion years? [looks offstage] Yes, she said "something like that." OK, that means we are at alph of the story. Fantastic! It's a beauty! Can you imagine? It's very symbolic. Because the bacteria we was had no idea of what we are today. And today, we have no idea of what we shall be in 4 billion years. And this territory is fantastic.
That is our poetry. That is our beautiful story. It's our romanticism: Mutation. We are mutants. And if we don't deeply understand, if we don't integrate that we are mutants, we completely miss the story.
Because every generation thinks we are the final one. We have a way to look at Earth like that, you know [raises hand over head] "I am the man. The final man. You know, we mutate during 4 billion years before, but now, because it's me, we stop. Fin For the end, for the eternity, with a red jacket ..." I am not sure of that. Because that is our intelligence of mutation and things like that. There is so many things to do, it's so fresh.
And here is something: Nobody is obliged to be a genius, but everybody is obliged to participate. And to participate, for a mutant, there is a minimum of exercise, a minimum of sport ... The first, if you want, there is so many, but one which is very easy to do, is the duty of vision. I can explain you. I shall try.
If you walk like that [looking straight down, small steps], it's OK, it's OK, you can walk, but perhaps, if you walk with the eyes like that, you will not see, oh!, there is a hole. And you will fall, and you will die. Dangerous.
That's why, perhaps, you will try to have this angle of vision [looking forward 45 degrees] OK, I can see, if I found something [whistle, steps around imaginary obstacle], and they continue, up up up. I raise the angle of vision, but it's still very selfish (selfish? egoiste? yes, selfish). You, you survive. It's OK.
If you raise the level of our eyes a little more [looking straight ahead] you go, "I see you, oh my god you are here, how are you, I can help you, I can design for you a new toothbrush, new toilet brush, something like that, I live in society, in community." It's OK. You start to be in the territory of intelligence, we can say. From this level, the more you can raise this angle of view, the more you will be important to society. The more you will rise, the more you will be important for the civilization. The more you will rise, to see far and high, like that, the more you will be important for the story of our mutation. That means intelligent people are in this angle [75-105 degrees off the ground] That is intelligence. From this [105 degrees] to here [180 degrees], that, it's genius. Ptolemy, Eratosthenes, Einstein, things like that. Nobody's obliged to be a genius. It's better, but nobody.
Take care, in this training, to be a good mutant. There is some danger, there is some trap. One trap: the vertical. Because at the vertical of us, if you look like that, "Ah! my god, there is God. Ah! God!" God is a trap. God is the answer when we don't know the answer. That means, when your brain is not enough big, when you don't understand, you go, "Ah, it's God, it's God." That's ridiculous. That's why -- jump, like that? No, don't jump. Come back. Because, after, there is another trap. If you look like that [205 degrees], you look to the past, or you look inside if you are very flexible, inside yourself. It's called schizophrenia, and you are dead.
That's why every morning, now, because you are a good mutant, you will raise your angle of view. Out, more of the horizontal. You are an intelligence. Never forget: like that, like that. It's very, very, very important.
What, what else we can say about that. Why do that? It's because we -- if we look from far, we see our line of evolution. This line of evolution is clearly positive. From far, this line looks very smooth, like that. But if you take a lens, like that, this line is ack-ack-ack [makes jagged motion]. It's made of light and shadow. We can say light is civilization, shadow is barbaria. And it's very important to know where we are. Because some cycle, there is a spot in the cycle, and you have not the same duty in the different parts of the cycle.
That means, we can imagine, I don't say it was fantastic, but in the '80s, there was not too much war, like that [a little], it was ... we can imagine that the civilization can become civilized. In this case, people like me are acceptable. We can say it's luxus time. We have time to think, we have time to I-don't-know-what, speak about art and things like that. It's OK. We are in the light. But sometimes, like today [dives down] we fall, we fall [diving sounds] so fast, so fast to shadow, we fall so fast to barbaria. With many, many many face of barbaria. Because it's not, the barbaria we have today, it's perhaps not the barbaria we think. There is different type of barbaria. That's why we must adapt. That means, when barbaria is back, forget the beautiful chairs, forget the beautiful hotel, forget design, even, I'm sorry to say, forget art. Forget all that. There is priority, there is urgence. You must go back to politics, you must go back to radicalization, I'm sorry if
that's not very English, you must go back to fight, to battle.
That's why today I'm so ashamed to make this job. That's why I am here, to try to do it the best possible. But I know that even [if] I do it the best possible (that's why I'm the best!), it's nothing. Because it's not the right time.
That's why I say that, I say that nothing exist if it's not in the good reason, the reason of our beautiful dream, of this civilization. And because we must all work to finish this story. Because the scenario of this civilization, about love, progress, and things like that, it's OK, but there is so many other different, other scenarios of other civilizations. This scenario, of this civilization, was about becoming powerful, intelligent, like this idea we have invented, this concept of God. We are God now. We are. It's almost done. We have just to finish the story. That is very, very important. And when you don't understand really what's happened, you cannot go and fight and work and things like that. You go to the future back, back, back, back, like that. And you can fall, and it's very dangerous. No, you must really understand that.
Because we have almost finished, I'll repeat this story. And the beauty of this: in perhaps fifty years, sixty years, we can finish completely this civilization, and offer to our children the possibility to invent a new story, a new poetry, a new romanticism. With billions of people who have been born, worked, lived, and died before us, these people who have worked so much, we have now bring beautiful things, beautiful gifts, we know so many things. We can say to our children, OK, done, that was our story. That passed. Now you have a duty. Invent a new story. Invent a new poetry. The only rule is, we have not to have any idea about the next story. We give you white pages. Invent. We give you the best tools, the best tools, and now, do it. That's why I continue to work, even if it's for toilet brush.”
Philippe Starck
Posted by Atom Ant at 11:52
Labels: Design, Palestras
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